
Monday, April 27, 2009

Recently, I have been thinking alot.
There are just too many things in my head now.
Too many til the point whereby I just cant concentrate on my studies.
All day, I did every single thing except studying.
And all the things I did are just pure redundant.
I also don't know what am I doing man.
Hate this kinda feeling. Yikes.
Had a chat with a Thai friend earlier on.
Seems like he is doing well.
Miss the whole group loads.
I am hoping to make a trip to visit them soon.
And I cant wait for my Taiwan trip.
I simply loveeee travelling. HEHE.
But sighs.
Beth, why is it that ur always thinking of all things EXCEPT studying?!
Back to reality please!
Okay okay, my angel is telling me to go back to my books.
Gotta start mugging now.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy! :)
I wish ur happy every single day and smiling every single day.
I love you!
Ur the bestest Dad i could ever have.

I took the exam a few days ago.
Felt like i was just trying to hurry finish the paper and be done with it.
Totally no mood at all.
Die man.
Sure flunk.
Not again!?
And so much happen recently.
Too much that i don't even know what to do anymore.
Too many friendships turned sour.
Sadness is all i can say.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Its 1.42am now.
Im still studying for my paper tmr.
Getting kinda bored though.
I don't really feel that i study alot, but at least i understand what im reading.
Hopefully, tmr's exam will be a breeze for me.
Please, please, please!
80 MCQs, 12 SAQs and it weighs 40% of my entire grade for this particular subject can!
Better not flunk it, I prayyyyy!
Im also feeling alot better today. Not so depressed.
But i still don't feel like going out.
I just want to stay in my room and do my own stuff.
And recently, my chest pain came back yet again.
Should i go see a doc? But im really scared to go for a check up.
Too many "what ifs" seriously scares me.
Guess i will monitor my condition for awhile more before i go for a check up.
Gotta go back to studying.
Will blog soon!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter.

Recently i was feeling really moody.
My mind is preoccupied with so many things.
I just feel like staying at home and i'm always coping myself in the room.
Don't really have any motivation or energy to do anything at all.
Just feel like sleeping everything away.
To make things worst,
Psychosocial exam is on this coming Saturday.
Study again.
Did i ever mention that i really hate studying?
I really hate it.
But still, i have to. Sighs.
I feel like eating ice cream now.
Only ice cream will make me happy.
I had a really long Easter weekend.
I was so hoping that the weekend would be like any other weekends that we had.
Sheeny, Jim and I went up to Brissy and stayed over at Clement's place.
Movies, wrestling, eating, shopping, playing arcade games, table tennis etc.
Had loads of fun, as usual.
All the crapping and lame jokes. HAHA.
And finally i got to go to my long awaited Klub Kandy Party.
Initially i was so excited thinking that its gonna be another fun party.
But this time round i didn't really enjoy much though.
In fact in the middle of it, i was feeling kinda depressed.
So much so that the bar counter became my good friend.
Tried many different drinks.
Not too bad though.
But i drank a tat too much that i ended up puking a couple of times.
Freaking disgusting.
Luckily, the guys were there to take care of me and Sheeny.
Thanks Jim, Andrew and Clement.
Really appreciate u all.
And of cos, i didn't forget to cam-whore.
I always have my camera with me.
Recently i started using this program call photoscape.
Its really fun!
It has many different functions to help us combine our photos in many ways.
Do go and try it!

Monday, April 6, 2009

I finally found the courage to tell him.
It has been a long long time.
3 years plus of relationship.
But i didn't want to drag on and keep leading him on.
If not its gonna be so unfair to him.
Feelings are just really fading
and i found that my feelings for him are no longer the same.
I never regretted being with him.
He is a good guy.
I really appreciate what he has done for me for all these years.
Thanks a million.
Im sure he will be able to find someone who truly deserves him.
I guess i have changed.
But i feel that this would be the best way for us now.
Im really sorry.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I hate rainy days!

The weather forecasts say that its gonna rain everyday all the way til next monday!
I hate it to the max!
I went to school drenched and even got splashed by a bus.
Can u imagine rushing for class and getting wet?!
What a day man.
I didnt go to work as well cos the weather seriously just makes me want to stay at home.
$85 fly away lahhh.
Neh mind.
At least i get to watch my thai lakorns.
Just finished watching one.
Its so good lahh.
The Nang'ek and Pra'ek SOOAI MAK and LOR SAK!
*Drooling can* HAHAHAHA.
This show has a happy ending, i like!
The lakorn is call Kaew Lom Pet.
Do go and watch! Im sure there are people who sub this show.
Freaking addictive!