
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter.

Recently i was feeling really moody.
My mind is preoccupied with so many things.
I just feel like staying at home and i'm always coping myself in the room.
Don't really have any motivation or energy to do anything at all.
Just feel like sleeping everything away.
To make things worst,
Psychosocial exam is on this coming Saturday.
Study again.
Did i ever mention that i really hate studying?
I really hate it.
But still, i have to. Sighs.
I feel like eating ice cream now.
Only ice cream will make me happy.
I had a really long Easter weekend.
I was so hoping that the weekend would be like any other weekends that we had.
Sheeny, Jim and I went up to Brissy and stayed over at Clement's place.
Movies, wrestling, eating, shopping, playing arcade games, table tennis etc.
Had loads of fun, as usual.
All the crapping and lame jokes. HAHA.
And finally i got to go to my long awaited Klub Kandy Party.
Initially i was so excited thinking that its gonna be another fun party.
But this time round i didn't really enjoy much though.
In fact in the middle of it, i was feeling kinda depressed.
So much so that the bar counter became my good friend.
Tried many different drinks.
Not too bad though.
But i drank a tat too much that i ended up puking a couple of times.
Freaking disgusting.
Luckily, the guys were there to take care of me and Sheeny.
Thanks Jim, Andrew and Clement.
Really appreciate u all.
And of cos, i didn't forget to cam-whore.
I always have my camera with me.
Recently i started using this program call photoscape.
Its really fun!
It has many different functions to help us combine our photos in many ways.
Do go and try it!