
Sunday, May 31, 2009

I had a kayaking and snorkeling trip yesterday morning at 7am!
Super fun but freaking tiring.
I think i kayaked for about 4 hrs?!
My arm ached man.
It was a very good experience though.
We have to team up into groups of 2, and it must be 1 boy and 1 girl.
And my kayaking buddy is damn funny! HAHA.
He has been entertaining me throughout the whole journey.
Thanks Jason! :D
But we were freezing during snorkeling.
It was just so so so cold.
Goosebumps just kept forming.
We almost died.
Though the weather was very extreme, the sceneries was just awesome!
I totally enjoyed it.
We took many pics as well! :))
Will upload soon!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I haven't been blogging for a really long time man.
My blog is rotting away.
Been really busy with a presentation and an assignment.
Everything is finally all done now and im so heaving a sign of relief!
All's well. Hehehehe.
Im really scared for Research assignment.
That one's a big headache.
Im praying damn hard for it.
I hope i dun fail.
Please please please.
Im going to be a vegetarian for 1 week.
Please! I really hope i will pass.
And recently, i have been thinking alot.
Too many things running through my mind.
Dad have been asking me whether i want to consider getting PR in Australia.
Each time i skyped with him, he always ask me the same old thing again and again.
He have been weighing all the pros and cons for me and his verdict was,
"Australia is the place for me."
Reason being,
the pay here is superbly high as compared to Singapore.
I do agree that the pay here is just simply irresistible.
What i earn here as a nurse is easily 6 times more than what i earn back in Singapore.
Moreover, i really love the environment, the lifestyle and the sceneries here.
They are just so so so amazing.
But of cos i still have to serve my bond in SGH for 3 years.
And i will definitely miss all my precious family, my dear besties, my friends, my Singapore food and so much more lahh!
I duno, im thinking hard.
But i think most probably i will apply for my PR in Aust.
Well, my mind is in a whirlwind now.
I didn't know that planning my future can be so stressful! :S
Besides that, im thinking about something else too.
Something that simply keeps me awake all the way til the wee hours in the morning for almost 3 days in a row now!
My eye bags are getting bigger and my dark circles are getting really dark.
I look like a panda now.
I look horrible.
Boohoo :(
I hate this kinda feeling.
It sucks.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I did something really crazy today.
And that is, i chopped off my long strands.
It was a really hasty decision all thanks to Jim & Andrew.
My hair is short now.
I cant believe it.
i LOVE it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Mark! :DD
I hope you will have a very good celebration.
Stay happy every single day.
Too bad im not in Singapore to celebrate with you :(
Next year okayyy! :)
When i go back, we will go do all the things that we all wanted to do before!
Have a good birthday!
P.S i miss working & KTV-ing with you and Eileen.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Im so worn out from all the exams and assignments.
I hope all this shit pass quickly!
I want a break man.
After all this im so gonna party and have all the fun in the world!
I realised that my blog have been rather quiet recently.
No cam whoring. Nothing.
That's because i haven't been going out.
So freaking bored.
But its okay, im looking forward to my Jay Chou concert in Sydney!
Siyu, Sheeny, Andrew, Jim & i are going.
But Clement is not going. BOO.
Because he don't listen to Chinese songs?! Eat potato.
That's like Jay's first concert in Australia
and his tickets are fast selling like hot pancakes!
I hope we can get the tickets man.
Andrew is gonna book tmr.
Pray hardddd.
I cant wait to see JAY!!! :DD
Swine Flu seems to be and apparently getting worst.
It is a world wide pandemic now.
More cases are being confirm and that really scares me.
The thought of another outbreak just like SARS?
OMG. Spine-chilling.
The total death toll during that time was unbelievably alarming.
Imagine Swine Flu is much worse?!
How man.
Nerdy told me that Singapore is very well on guard.
(Glad to hear that)
But all the Singaporeans are very kiasu! HAHA.
cos all the thermometers in Singapore are sold out.
He cant even get one. LOL
Well, i guess many people are trying to take precautions and protect themselves.
So i hereby advise everyone:
1) to maintain high standards of personal hygiene- washing hands frequently with soap and water especially after contact with respiratory secretions (e.g. after sneezing &coughing).
2) who are sick with respiratory illnesses to avoid crowded areas and wear masks if possible.
3) to try to take your temperatures regularly.
4) to avoid or postpone travelling to Mexico.
5) to seek immediate medical attention if they develop symptoms of swine flu within seven days of travel to California, Texas or Kansas in USA or to Mexico.
I hope this disease will be under control.
I don't want to see so many people dying or losing their loved ones.
I will pray.
Let's all pray that everything will soon be over.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I'm extremely happy these days.
Pretty cranky also. HAHA.
I got back my Psychosocial exam results a couple of days ago and i passed!
I got a credit for it.
Lucky me.
Just finished my Nutrition online exam and i got a credit as well.
Everything seems to be more on track now.
I'm really proud of myself because i have been studying this few days.
As the days goes by,
I kept reminding myself that im here to study and not play.
So now, I have been trying to put in abit more effort in revising.
Hopefully im able to sustain.
Beth, you can do it! :)
There is just 1 more exam next Saturday and a Research assignment due on the 15Th May before i can start to relax again.
Hopefully, everything goes smoothly.
Graduating sooooon.
Cant wait.
Suddenly, i miss Singapore.
I miss my family, bestie, baby, childhood sweeties, friends and the food. HAHA.
A part of me wants to go back to Singapore badly
but another part of me was thinking,
i will miss Aust.
Miss the lifestyle, the enviroment, the culture, some of the food and
most importantly my friends here.
In fact, everything.
I can't bear to leave here too.
How ironic.
Well, enough of all these emotional stuff.
Now, i must thank my childhood sweeties for all their support and
encouragements they have given me.
I really appreciate it loads.
Thanks Xiao Yi, Xiao Hui & Fong.
When i go back i will give you all each a BIG BIG KISS. LOL
And did i mention that Fong is coming to Aust on the 10Th?
I can see her!
Which also means that, first up to get my kiss would be her! HAHAHA.
Fong, i will bring you to all the nice places okay! :)
My Wang Zai Xiao Mantou and Thai Lays potato chips is arriving too.
Anyways, its getting really late now, im really sleepy.
I think i better hit the sack soon.
Have a sweet dream peeps.