
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Clubbing & Shopping.

Met up with Jer & Stef on Saturday to shop for outfits for Social Night.
We went to so many places and finally got what we wanted.
He spent so much money lah! Like seriously, i feel damn heart pain for him.
But Jer really likes his blazer and shoes!
Hopefully everything goes well and in place on wednesday.
And Stef & I gave him a little surprise!
A little mini mudpie for his 20th birthday!
So sorry we couldn't really celebrate properly as we dont have much time left!
Next year okay? Hehe.
Some pics of the 3 of us. Hehe.

Happy Birthday Jer! :)

Jer & Me.

Jer & Stef.

Birthday Boy!

Friday night was a blast.
My clubbing khakis reunion!
The new MOS with its 3 different areas was just FUN!
Zirca the Trance or House area, Rebel R&B area & Yellow Rubble Retro area.
HAHA. Im not sure whether yellow rubble was the right name for it??
So fun that i puked like twice in the club.
Veh veh veh sick in the stomach.
This will neh happen to me ever again man.
The feeling sucks. Like totally.
Luckily! We tooked like tonnes of pics! HAHAHA.
Cam-whoring is always a way to retain all the sweetest memories.
Cam-whoring, i LOVE! :)

My Lavender Pig organ soup!

With Mellya.

Irene, Er Jie & Vincent.

Wth is Li Jun doing?!

The Guys.

Johnny & Er Jie.

The whole gang.


My Buddies. :)

My clubbing LIANS.

Ming, Me, Mellya & Irene.